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Chapter 387 Life On Death Row-(Incest/Taboo Sex):>Ep2

  • Normally, the idea of seeing my Tyler for real would have been just wonderful. I had dreams about bringing him home and just sitting on the couch and watching him while he sat. But this time, I mean, I knew why they were doing it. A little mercy for a mother who was about to lose her only child. That was the long and the short of it. I can't describe how much I needed the pity those guards showed me, or how terrible that pity made me feel.
  • Still, the last time we'd talked on the phone, Tyler'd made me promise that when I saw him the next time that I wouldn't cry. I always cried. Every time I saw him. Every time we spoke, I cried. But Tyler said that he didn't want to see that. He said he wanted to remember a happy time with me the last time. He wanted me to...remember him being happy. And so when the guard entered the little cinderblock room and Tyler walked on in after him, I sucked in my breath hard and bit my lip. I could feel the tears in my eyes, stinging and itching, but I fought them off. I fought them off and I looked at Tyler.
  • He looked different than I remembered him. It was so strange to see his full body without any glass in between us. It was like seeing someone from TV live and in person for the first time. Tyler was tall, maybe six two or so. But built like a bean sprout, like my own daddy'd been. His arms and legs were long and spindly. He walked with his shoulder stooped slightly. His face was thin and his cheeks was real sunken in. His hair was shaved down next to nothing and it made his big ears look even bigger. He still had them soft brown eyes I could remember forever.
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